
Merchant Accounts and Processing Payments Online

GMBill can help you apply for your own merchant account and get started with processing payments online. Before you start, you should become familiar with the basics of merchant accounts and review the steps required to start processing payments online.

Affiliate Marketing

Doing business online opens a world of opportunity. Like retailing through a brick and mortar shop, the challenge is being visible to your potential customers. The internet is no different. GMBill can help you establish an affiliate marketing program where referrers help market your goods and services over the internet.

With GMBill you can assign unique codes to monitor, track and attribute hits and sales to a referrer (an “Affiliate”). Each week, GMBill will manage the reconciliation, reporting (including separation of value-added taxes) and paying out commissions to Affiliates.

Access Management

GMBill can provide you with a secured sign-up page and shopping cart customized to your site’s look-and-feel.  Once a customer signs up and we process the payment online using your merchant account, GMBill will manage access to your site. You will also be able to modify access to existing customers and create guest login profiles for marketing and promotional needs.


It’s equally important to report on sales as well as facilitating a customer to purchase goods and services from your site. GMBill reports on visits (traffic) to your site; conversion rates; sales by country; attrition rates (relevant for membership based sites); forward-looking recurring memberships; and many more data and statistics for your own analysis.